Are my eyes fixed on Jesus?

Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations.

isaiah 42:1, NLT

For a dancer to successfully complete a turn without falling, she must find a fixed point and return to it with her eyes. If she shifts her focus or changes where she’s looking, she cannot complete the turn.

This verse from Isaiah is one of the many from that book that prophesied about Jesus. Isaiah was sent as a prophet to the people of Israel because they’d lost their identity as God’s chosen people. They took their eyes off the God who loved them and called them his own.

And they fell.

Our gaze wanders away from God to the world all the time. After all, the world has some pretty sparkly things that catch our attention. But if we keep taking our eyes off Jesus, God’s chosen one, we will fall. We become what we gaze on the most.


What sparkly things in this world tempt you to shift your gaze away from Jesus? Why do you think that is?


God, I don’t want to fall. Show me what it means to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus as one of his followers.

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