What am I hiding behind?

At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.

Genesis 3:7, NLT

Home Economics classes have been the scene of more than one frustrated young person learning to sew. Uneven seams, misaligned sleeves, slanting hems. We can only imagine what Adam and Eve’s first attempts looked like.

They were desperate to hide, and we often are too. We hide behind careers and kids and even service because showing up as our real selves can feel shameful.


Identify one area of your life you suspect you might be using to hide yourself. Journal about how and why.


God, I don’t always recognize the ways I try to hide from others, from myself, and from you. Help me learn to stop trying to sew together a façade that doesn’t really work.

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