Is what I’m doing honoring to God?

On the fourteenth day of the second month, one month later than usual, the people slaughtered the Passover lamb. This shamed the priests and Levites, so they purified themselves and brought burnt offerings to the Temple of the Lord.

2 chronicles 30:15, NLT

I don’t adore rules. Do you? I know some people do. And I also know some rules aren’t “just made to be broken.” Especially God’s rules that were made to help us live the close-to-him abundant life we are made for.


Today, when you (like me) want to do your own thing, your own way, hold that “thing” up to this test: How does it honor God and help others and you be closer to him?


God, sometimes I think rules are silly. And a lot of human-made ones are! But your rules are for our good. And even though Jesus has given us freedom, we are still to use our freedom to love you and each other. Please help me know how to live your rule of love today. doesn’t belong on me.

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