Do I need to be rescued?

For the people of Israel belong to me. They are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 25:55, NLT

There are still areas of Europe that have annual events and memorials to mark the assistance that Allied Forces brought during World War II. From cemeteries to statues to yearly parades, festivities continue to ensure no one forgets that Europe was saved from Nazi domination. The rescuer and rescued will always be connected.

How much more, then, should we identify with God, who rescued us through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ? When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, he was marking them as his people and telling them he was their one God. It was a beautiful foreshadowing of what he would do for humanity through Jesus.


Write a letter to Jesus as your Rescuer. Tell him what it has meant for your life and where you might be now without him.


God, you rescued all of us from eternal spiritual death. May I always celebrate this and never forget.

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