Is it possible to live in God’s presence?

He responded, “The Lord, in whose presence I have lived, will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful.”

Genesis 24:40, NLT

Dishes, laundry, doctor’s appointment, work deadlines, birthday present . . .

Does your to-do list have any of these? It’s probably even longer than this one. If yours is like mine, I bet you have things on your list that have been on there for days–weeks even. This world demands our attention, as do our bodies and families and jobs. The daily grind, whatever yours looks like, feels like the farthest place from God’s presence.

We tend to think of cathedrals or retreat centers as places to meet God, and certainly, there are sacred spaces where we feel God’s presence. Yet this verse tells of a way to live that is always aware of and within God’s presence, seeing him as a constant companion rather than a mythical creature.

I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not saying you’ll sense God on that third diaper blowout. But I am saying the Bible tells us it’s possible, that it’s what God wants for us and that he provides a way. We can start by asking for the help we need to enter into his presence each day.


Next time you read your Bible or pray, put two chairs facing each other. Sit in one chair and imagine Jesus sitting across from you. Let that be the start of engaging his presence.


God, my daily life does not seem to hold many hallowed places, but I know it’s possible for experiencing you to be my way of life. Please show me how.

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